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Ready to begin your journey toward Tree Campus K-12 recognition? 使用这张关键步骤清单来让你走上正轨.



时间: 春天,夏天,还是秋天

请填写 许下承诺 请给我们介绍一下你自己和你的学校. This is your way of saying that you intend to carry out activities that fulfill each of the program goals in the coming school year. By letting us know, we can send you reminders and helpful information throughout the year.




时间: 秋天

The creation of a Tree Campus Team is one of the program goals and is an excellent starting point. This group — comprised of students and staff — represents the “tree heroes” that will lead the charge in creating a plan to meet the program goals. Already have a school green team, recycling club, or garden caretakers? 这是一个很好的开始. Consider rallying members of these groups to be champions of your school’s trees. You may find that celebrating trees and their environmental benefits is in direct alignment with these groups’ goals.




时间: 秋天

To achieve recognition, your team will need to create an 教育 plan. Review each goal and begin brainstorming how you might fulfill these.




时间: 秋天或春天

Your school’s hands-on experience will show your community the spirit of the Tree Campus K-12 program. 当你计划你的经历, now is a great time to engage your community forestry contacts if you haven’t already. Can your students join forces with your municipal forestry department to help plant or inventory trees in the community? Can your students learn about urban and community forestry through job shadowing? Can your students help a local nonprofit tree organization with a tree planting or distribution event? Can your students visit a younger group of students and conduct a presentation on the benefits of trees in their community? Your hands-on experience can take many different forms — the key is to find what works best for your unique school community.




时间: 国家植加拿大28回水节  (四月的最后一个星期五)或者你所在州的植加拿大28回水节

An Arbor Day observance is an opportunity to bring your school’s commitment to trees to life. It can also be a platform for 教育 about the benefits of trees on your campus and in your community. 请查看 资源页面 寻找庆祝植加拿大28回水节的点子. You might find that it works best for your school to partner with your city or a local college or university that is also celebrating Arbor Day. Be sure to take pictures and record evidence of the event so that you’re ready when applying for recognition.




时间: 学年结束

就是这个了! Now is the time to collect your records and documentation of the activities, 教育, and events your school has carried out on your path to becoming a Tree Campus K-12 school as you prepare to submit the application.




时间: 下一学年开始

祝贺你! You have achieved recognition from the 植加拿大28回水节基金会 as a Tree Campus K-12 school. This is your moment to applaud the Tree Campus Team and the school’s accomplishments. Share your pride with your community – you just might inspire new partnerships.


Tree Campus K-12 is an 植加拿大28回水节基金会 Program in collaboration with:


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" class="hidden">新亚艺术学校