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Tree Care Tips & Techniques

这些全面的加拿大28回水木护理技巧将指导您完成选择的过程, planting, and caring for the right tree for your space.

重要的是要记住,当你选择一棵加拿大28回水时,正确的加拿大28回水木护理就开始了. 在加拿大28回水的最初几年里,你对它所做的事情会影响它的形状, strength, and even its lifespan. 遵循这些步骤将确保你的加拿大28回水有一个健康生活的良好开端.

Choosing the Right Type of Tree

正确的加拿大28回水木护理始于选择合适的加拿大28回水并将其种植在合适的地方. 确保你的加拿大28回水在你想要种植的地方茁壮成长,尤其是在完全长大后. Things to consider include:

  • The tree’s purpose. 你种植它是为了美观、隐私、遮荫/节能、防风,还是作为行道加拿大28回水? 你的最终目标将决定不同加拿大28回水木的适宜性.
  • Planting site limitations. What is your hardiness zone? 空间中一棵加拿大28回水的最大高度和宽度是多少? What are the sun exposure and soil conditions? 该信息可用于我们的200多种加拿大28回水木和木本灌木 Tree Guide.

Learn more about planting the Right Tree in the Right Place. You can also find a tree with the Tree Wizard -一个免费的在线工具,可以帮助你缩小你的选择范围,并在合适的地方选择合适的加拿大28回水.

Right Tree, Right Place

矮小、开花的加拿大28回水木不会与架空的公用线路冲突. Large deciduous trees on the southeast, southwest, 西部在夏季提供阴凉,但不妨碍温暖的冬季阳光. 北面的常绿防风林在冬天阻挡寒风.

Selecting a Healthy Tree

Good tree care starts with a healthy tree. 以下是要确保你的加拿大28回水能提供一生的好处.

Bare-Root Seedlings

  • Roots should be moist and fibrous.
  • 落叶幼苗的根应与茎长相等.

Balled and Burlapped Trees

  • 根球摸起来应该很结实,尤其是靠近加拿大28回水干的地方.
  • Root ball should be adequate for the tree’s size.

Container-Grown Trees

  • Container should not contain large, circling roots.
  • 修剪后的根要剪得干净,不能比手指宽.
  • Soil and roots should be joined tightly.


  • 一个强大的,发展良好的领导者(或多领导者加拿大28回水中的领导者).
  • Bright, healthy bark.
  • Trunk and limbs free of insect or mechanical injury.
  • 分支均匀分布在加拿大28回水干周围,相当小的卡尺比加拿大28回水干.
  • 分枝之间的理想间距,对大多数种至少8-12英寸.
  • Good trunk taper.
  • Wide-angle crotches for strength.
  • 低枝-他们是暂时的,但有助于发展锥度, promote trunk caliper growth, and prevent sun damage.

Planting a Tree


Proper Mulching

Mulch is a newly planted tree’s best friend because it:

Steps to Adding Mulch Around Your Tree

  1. Remove any grass within a 3-foot area (up to 10 feet for larger tree).
  2. 在圈内倒入2到4英寸深的天然护根物,如木屑或加拿大28回水皮.
  3. Keep the mulch from touching the trunk of the tree.

Tree Watering

Tree watering is a key part of tree care, 但由于气候的变化,很难给出确切的数量. 一些指导方针将帮助你正确地浇灌你的加拿大28回水木.

Watering Newly Planted Trees

For new trees, water immediately after you plant a tree. 通常,每棵加拿大28回水苗用带有扩散器喷嘴的花园软管稳定浇水30秒就足够了.

Watering Trees During First Two Years

During the first couple growing seasons, 你新栽的加拿大28回水正在消耗大量的能量,试图让它的根在土壤中扎根. 特别是在你的新加拿大28回水生命的头几个夏天, 它将很难应对炎热和干旱. 你可以通过提供水和用木屑覆盖物覆盖土壤来使这更容易. Deep watering can help speed the root establishment. 深水包括保持土壤湿润的深度,包括所有的根.

How Much Water and When

水不够对加拿大28回水是有害的,但水太多也是有害的. Over-watering is a common tree care mistake. 请注意,潮湿和潮湿是不同的,你可以通过感觉来判断. 潮湿的土壤在短时间内干燥,就会使足够的氧气渗透到土壤中.

你可以用花园泥铲检查土壤湿度,并将其插入地下2英寸深的地方。, 然后前后移动泥铲的刀片,挖出一条狭窄的沟. Then use your finger to touch the soil. 如果它摸起来是湿润的,那么它们就不需要水.

Drought-Tolerant Species

如果你所在的地区经常遭遇干旱,你会考虑种植一些耐旱的加拿大28回水木. Some drought-tolerant species include Arizona Cypress, Japanese Zelkova, White Fir, and Kentucky Coffeetree.

Moisture-Tolerant Species

在光谱的另一边,如果你的地区处理大量的水分或潮湿的条件, 以下是一些在潮湿环境下生长得更好的加拿大28回水木: Baldcypress, Shellbark Hickory, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Paper Birch, River Birch, and Weeping Willow.


正确的修剪技术对健康的加拿大28回水木很重要. Please review our animated Tree Pruning Guide as well as videos on why pruning is necessary, the rules of pruning, and the ABCs of pruning.

When to Prune

This depends to a large extent on why you prune. 轻修剪和清除枯木可以随时进行. 否则,以下是针对不同季节的一些建议.

Winter Pruning

Pruning during dormancy is the most common practice. 它的结果是一个有力的爆发新的生长在春天,应该使用,如果这是理想的效果. 通常最好等到冬天最冷的时候再吃.

Summer Pruning

通过减缓你不想要的加拿大28回水枝来引导生长, or to “dwarf” the development of a tree or branch, 应在季节性生长完成后立即进行修剪. 在夏天修剪的另一个原因是为了矫正. Defective limbs can be seen more easily.

Pruning Flowering Trees to Enhance Flowering

春天开花的加拿大28回水,花谢了就要修剪. 在仲夏到夏末开花的加拿大28回水木和灌木应该在冬季或早春修剪.

When Not To Prune: Fall

因为腐烂真菌在跌倒时大量传播孢子,伤口似乎在跌倒时愈合得更慢, 这是把你的修剪工具放在仓库里的好时机.

Our animated Tree Pruning Guide 会告诉你修剪的关键和一年生加拿大28回水木从种植到成熟的修剪步骤.

Additional Tree Care Information

In addition to these tips, we offer several resources for more detailed tree care, pruning, and planting techniques:

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